Exploring HPC Workflows
My current work as a principal architect and investigator is centered on democratizing software frameworks for heterogeneous high-performance computing workflows. The current computing landscape is experiencing a Cambrian explosion of complexity - classical, accelerators, quantum, and more. Simplifying interoperability standards are needed to lower barriers to access across national scientific resources, universities, and corporations, unleashing the broadest potential. "The workflow is the app."
Conference publications & presentations:
"A Software Architecture for Heterogeneous Engineering Workflow Interoperability & Model Provenance", NAFEMS World Congress 2023, https://www.nafemsworldcongress.org/files/a2y4J0000014JTsQAM/NWC23-0173-fullpaper.docx
"Industrial Experience Deploying Heterogeneous Platforms for Use in Multi-Modal Power Systems Design Workflows", Smoky Mountains Conference, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Aug. 2022, https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/9 (pre-print https://tinyurl.com/agallo-smc22)
"Coercive Software Process Improvement", US DOE ASCR Workshop on the Science of Scientific-Software Development and Use, Dec. 2021, https://www.osti.gov/biblio/1843575 , referenced in DOE report https://www.osti.gov/biblio/1846009 .
Exascale Computing Project annual meeting, January 2023, Houston TX, https://arxiv.org/abs/2304.00019
"Systems and methods for creating surrogate models", https://patents.google.com/patent/US20210365286A1 , 2020, patent awarded October 2023.
"Autonomous Surrogate Model Creation Platform", https://patents.google.com/patent/US20200042659A1 , 2018, patent awarded October 2023.
"lwfm - local workflow manager", NERSC Director Reserve grant, principal investigator, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Perlmutter supercomputer, 2023.
"MxN Application Readiness", NERSC Director Reserve grant, principal investigator, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Perlmutter supercomputer, 2021, 2022.
"Genesis CI/CD", Director's Discretionary grant, principal investigator, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Summit supercomputer, 2021, https://www.olcf.ornl.gov/industry-project/genesis-ci-cd/
Decades architecting and developing for companies large and small, for systems of scale and consequence, and others of more modest intent. Educator, questioner, and believer in the power of technology to improve quality of life. Experience includes:
2016 - now @ GE Research, software researcher
2016 - 2020 @ U. Albany, adjunct lecturer in Computer Science
2011 - 2015 @ CDG a Boeing Company, software architect
2002 - 2007 @ CommerceHub, director 24/7 production systems
1996 - 1999 @ LTI, director software project teams
"Introduction to Quantum Computing for Fluid Dynamics", Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, 2024
IBM Qiskit Global Summer School, 2024
MS Computer Science, U. Delaware, 1993
BS Computer Science, U. Albany, 1991
Available for Consult
Have a question? Email me to setup a free initial consultation: agallojr at 518computing.com